This is me, Dare
This blog was created admittedly out of boredom and at least to make people see things from my perspectives,read about my experiences and many more
Maximizing the use of the Internet: Learn (almost) anything online
We the 21st century folks really have it good. We all can point to our parents and what education and learning was during their time before the advent of the Internet. All the education me from those voluminous text books that heaven helps you if you can't read them. It was a always a battle as they hardly had all the materials they needed to excel, as only a few students had access to all these expensive learning aids. The exercises in the Larcombes Class 4 edition my dad owned back in the day is enough to make an undergraduate shake with fear owing to the very tough questions in it. But, thank God for technology, we don't have to go through all these harrowing ordeals in order to be better students today. The internet is awash with millions of resources to help us. It is unfortunate that especially in this part of the world, almost 80% of our Internet usage is dedicated to mundane things like posting pictures on facebook, tweeting, Instagram, Snapchatting and the likes....
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